Salesforce Data Cloud - Identity Resolution | Tableau Exchange

Salesforce Data Cloud - Identity Resolution

by Tableau


The Salesforce Data Cloud Identity Resolution (previously known as Salesforce CDP Identity Resolution) dashboard turns your data into a digestible series of charts to help you explore how Identity Resolution in Salesforce Data Cloud is working for your business. See a snapshot of your ingested sources, how they contribute to unified profiles, how unified profiles are composed, and a few common scenarios to explore to see how matching rules and/or data quality may be affecting your Identity Resolution results.

Demo video

Answer key business questions

  • What volume of Source Profiles was ingested?
  • How were Unified Profiles composed?
  • Do the matching rules result in the expected outcome?

Monitor and improve KPIs

  • Number of Email Addresses: The average number of Email Addresses that match the rules for each Unified Profile created
  • Number of First Names: The average number of First Names that match the rules for each Unified Profile created
  • Number of Last Names: The average number of Last Names that match the rules for each Unified Profile created
  • Number of Phone Numbers: The average number of Phone Numbers that match the rules for each Unified Profile created
  • Number of Source Profiles: The number of Profiles in the Source Objects that will be processed
  • Number of Source Objects: The number of Source Objects: Each data source is made of Source Objects: it can be Email table, User table, Orders table, ...
  • Number of Sources: The number of data sources from which data will be consolidated to create a unified profile
  • Number of Unified Profiles: Number of unified customer profile records that the ruleset job created

Required attributes

  • ssot__Id__c (string): Unique identifier of the Source record
  • ssot__Id__c (string): Unique identifier of the Unified Profile
  • ssot__BirthDate__c (ssot__individual__) (date): Birth date of the Source
  • ssot__BirthDate__c (date): Birth date of the Unified Profile
  • ssot__EmailAddress__c (ssot_contactpoint) (string): Email Address of the Source Profile
  • ssot__EmailAddress__c (string): Email of the Unified Profile
  • ssot__TelephoneNumber__c (ssot__contactpoint1) (string): Phone Number of the Source Profile
  • ssot__FormattedE164PhoneNumber__c (string): Phone Numbers of the Unified Profile
  • ssot__FirstName__c (ssot__individual__) (string): First Name of the Source Profile
  • ssot__FirstName__c (string): First Name of the Unified Profile
  • ssot__LastName__c (ssot__individual__) (string): Last Name of the Source Profile
  • ssot__LastName__c (string): Last Name of the Unified Profile
  • ssot__GenderId__c (ssot__individual__) (string): Gender of the Source Profile
  • ssot__GenderId__c (string): Gender of the Unified Profile
  • ssot__DatasourceId__c (string): Unique identifier of the Datasource
  • ssot__DataSourceObjectId__c (string): Unique identifier of the Datasource Object
  • SourceRecordId__c (string): Unique identifier of the Source record
  • UnifiedRecordId__c (string): Unique identifier of the Unified record
  • Table Name (string): Name of the ruleset

Getting Started Steps

  1. Ensure you have Tableau Desktop version 2023.2 or higher installed, and it is licensed. Use the Salesforce Data Cloud connector to connect to Data Cloud. Note this is a connector released with the Data Cloud Summer’ 23 release as described here. This accelerator works only with the Salesforce Data Cloud connector.
  2. Ensure the Tableau has been provisioned access to pull data from Salesforce Data Cloud (previously known as Salesforce CDP). There is great documentation on how to do this on Customer Data Platform’s Help site.
  3. Open the downloaded workbook. It should be named Salesforce Data Cloud - Identity Resolution.twbx
  4. Once you have opened the workbook, click on the Data Source tab in the lower-left corner of the Tableau dashboard.
  5. At this point, you will be asked to authenticate into your Salesforce Data Cloud account. Please follow the instructions and log in to Salesforce Data Cloud for Tableau to establish a connection.
  6. Go back to the Home tab, and the workbook will refresh the extract and show your data.
    1. Note: The refresh of the workbook can take a few minutes depending on the amount of data in your Salesforce Data Cloud account

Explore the Dashboard

Identity Resolution

The Executive Summary gives you a few high-level summaries and jumping-off points to further explore your data.

  • Digest a quick summary of the number of Source Individuals that were ingested and how many Unified Profiles were created during the Identity Resolution process (1)
  • See a breakdown of how many Source Profiles were ingested per source (2)
  • See how many Duplicates from each source we consolidated (3)
  • See what is your consolidation rate % (in this instance you can see that the source S3_1 has 945K duplicated profiles out of the total 1.8M, which is equal to 54% of consolidation) (4)
  • See how many Unified Profiles each source contributed to (5)
  • Below you can assess the outcome of your identity resolution process, by Email, Phone numbers, First Names, and Last Names (6)

Please refer to the image below of the Identity Resolution Summary of the Identity Resolution Dashboard, as the descriptions above correspond to numbered references on the image.

Unified Profiles

The Unified Profiles tab is the place where you can further explore granular insights into your Identity Resolution results, understand how records were combined to form unified profiles, start to form an educated hypothesis on whether your Identity Ruleset is working for your business and start to form an educated hypothesis on whether data quality issues may be affecting your results.

  • This tab of the dashboard dynamically adjusts to the click path you take to enter it. (1)
  • See a preview of 50 Unified Profiles that match the entry condition (1)
  • Click on a record from the top chart and see a quick overview of the Unified Profiles including their Name, UPID, Birth Date, Gender, and source record details. (2)
  • See all the Source Profiles that comprise the Unified Profiles. This is a great way to see exact data to help you determine why records may be matching unexpectedly. (3)

Please refer to the image below of the Unified Profiles of the Identity Resolution Dashboard as the descriptions above correspond to numbered references on the image.


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